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Local Governing Committee

Local Governing Committee

The Governors work as a team under the authority of the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton and within the Xavier Catholic Education Trust Scheme of Delegation and are responsible for strategic oversight and making sure that the school provides the best possible education within a caring and supporting Catholic school environment.

The governing team, through the Governors Fund, continues to develop the school and facilities to create the best environment for the Marist Learners and Staff. Please click here to learn more about the fund and how to contribute. Thank you.

Governor Details

Full name of Governor

Governor Category & Source of Appointment

Term of office

(Term of office is 4 years unless otherwise stated)

 Committee Membership

Declarations on register of business & pecuniary interest/ details of governorships at other schools


Attendance 2023-2024


Emily Fanzo


Appointed by the Trust

01/09/2023 –

Ex officio


School employee


LGC- 100%

Pay- 100%


Rhoda Breakell (Chair)

Foundation Governor

Appointed by the Diocese

20/09/2021 –



Committees:  HT Appraisal, Pay

Lead:  Safeguarding, SEND, LAC/PLAC, Leadership, Trust Liaison

Owner, The Orchard Nursery Ltd




Pay- 100%


Sue Jarrett

Foundation Governor

Appointed by the Diocese

2/11/2022 –


Admissions Committee (Chair)

Lead:  Catholic Ethos



LGC- 83%

Admissions- 100%


Margherita Lupi

Foundation Governor

Appointed by the Diocese

21/02/2024 –


Lead: Well-being, Fundraising



LGC- 100%


Kathryn O’Reilly

Foundation Governor

Appointed by the


11/10/2023 –


Admissions Committee

Lead: Teaching & Learning, Curriculum, Outcomes



LGC- 25% (maternity leave)


Opeyemi Sebastian

Parent Governor

Elected by Parents

1/09/2022  -


Admissions Committee

Lead:  Health & Safety

Child attends the school


LGC- 83%

Admissions- 33%


Khorum Najib

Parent Governor

Elected by Parents

1/09/2024 - 31/08/2028

Lead: Finance, treasurer

Child attends the school      

We would like to thank the following Governors who have served over the last 12 months but who are no longer serving:


Full name of Governor

Governor Category

Term of office

Governor Roles & Committee Membership

Declarations on register of business & pecuniary interest/ details of governorships at other schools

Attendance 2023-2024%
Eugene Smith

Foundation Governor

Appointed by the Diocese

07/03/2023 - 06/03/2027

Vice Chair

Pay Committee (Chair)

Honorary Treasurer, Lead: Finance


LGC- 100%

Pay- 100%

Admissions- 50%

Myooran Sithamparanathan ParentElected by parents 11/12/2020 -  10/12/2024

Lead: Pupil attainment/progress

Pupil Premium

Child attends school LGC- 83%

Eleanor Grady

Foundation Governor

Appointed by the Diocese

16/05/2023 –


Pay Committee

Lead:  Catholic Ethos, Wellbeing

Family member is employed in another school run by the Trust

LGC- 100%


The Governors of The Marist School believe it is important that committees reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve.  Diverse committees promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people.

The Governors are currently collecting data on the diversity of the LGC, including data on age, gender and ethnicity.  They will use that data to inform their recruitment and training needs and ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making.

Due to our relatively small governing body we do not publish this diversity data online as individual governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.