PE and Sport Premium
PE - Swimming
Year 6 Swimming Competency
% of pupils in Y6 able to:
- Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres - 93%
- Use a range of strokes effectively - 50%
- Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations - 53%
Sports Premium
“Leaders make good use of the primary school sports funding to give pupils experience of expert coaching in a range of sports, and to develop teachers’ understanding of how to provide high-quality physical education lessons. As a result, there is now a strong framework for planning these lessons and a helpful emphasis on learning about sports and physical health. This means pupils are enthusiastic about being healthy and taking part in competitive sports.”
Ofsted, 2015
The PE and sport premium is an annual dedicated payment for primary schools provided by the Department for Education (DfE) from September 2013. Schools have the discretion to spend the funding as they see fit to improve the quality of PE and sports.
At The Marist, a proportion of our sport funding is used as part payment towards the cost of two level 2 qualified coaches to work with children from Year R to Year 6 developing and applying a variety of physical skills and challenges.
Our action plan detailing our spend of the Sports Premium can be found by clicking to document link below,